FQAU20 AMMC 212000 IDY10230 SECURITE High Seas Forecast for North Eastern METAREA 10 NORTHEASTERN AREA: EQUATOR TO 25S, 142E TO 170E Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology For 24 hours commencing 2300 UTC 21 February 2025 Part 1 Warnings Melbourne Gale Warning 4. Part 2 Situation at 1800 UTC Trough 12S145E to low 1001hPa near 15S149E to 14S155E 14S170E. Forecast 12S144E to low 989hPa near 14S152E to 16S158E 14S170E at 230000UTC,with a low chance of development into a tropical cyclone, increasing to moderate at the end of the forecast period. Refer to http://www.bom.gov.au/cyclone/7dayforecast/ for more information. Part 3 Forecast South and west of line 09S157E 18S157E 19S170E, outside warning area: Southeasterly quarter winds 20/30 knots, turning clockwise within 240nm of low. Rough seas. Low to moderate swell. Within 300nm north of line 12S162E 13S170E: Northwesterly quarter winds 15/25 knots, reaching up to 30 knots at times. Moderate to rough seas. Low to moderate swell. Through Vitiaz Strait: Northwesterly quarter winds 15/25 knots. Moderate to rough seas. Low swell. Remainder: Winds not exceeding 20 knots. Slight to moderate seas. Low swell increasing to low to moderate east of line 19S169E 12S167E. Rain areas, scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms throughout the area. Heavy at times within 180nm of low and within 120nm of line 09S165E 11S170E. Visibility reducing below 2nm in precipitation. Please be aware Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. WEATHER MELBOURNE The next routine forecast will be issued at 08:00 UTC Saturday.