FQNL48 EHDB 251235 Forecast Dutch EEZ issued at 12:31 UTC 250325. Gale warnings: There are no warnings. Synopsis: Trough over Thames and German Bight will move southeastwards across the North Sea on Tuesday. Ridge over the British isles will move southeastwards across the North Sea. Forecast valid Tuesday 15:00 till Wednesday 03:00 UTC: Thames west to northwest 3-4, veering north to northwest. occasionally rain or drizzle. moderate to poor, risk fog, later increasing moderate to good. waveheight around 0.5 meter. Humber north to northwest 3-4. first occasionally rain or drizzle. moderate to good, poor in precipitation, especially first risk fog. waveheight 0.5-1.0 meter. German Bight northwest 3-4, occasionally 4. first occasionally rain or drizzle. moderate to good, poor in precipitation, especially first risk fog. waveheight 0.5-1.0 meter, increasing 1.0-1.5 meter. Dogger northwest 3-4. moderate to good. waveheight 1.0-1.5 meter. Forecast valid Wednesday 03:00 till Wednesday 15:00 UTC: Thames north to northwest 3-4, soon decreasing north 2-3. moderate to good. waveheight around 0.5 meter. Humber north to northwest 3-4, decreasing 2-3, later backing west. moderate to good. waveheight 0.5-1.0 meter. German Bight northwest 3-4, later decreasing west 2-4. moderate to good. waveheight 1.0-1.5 meter. Dogger west to northwest 3-4, decreasing southwest 2-4. moderate to good. waveheight 1.0-1. 5 meter.