FQPS43 NZKL 171821 MARINE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SUBTROPIC Area from 25S to 40S, western boundary from 40S 163E to 29S 170E then to 25S 170E, eastern boundary 170W. Issued by Meteorological Service of New Zealand, Wellington issued at 171821UTC Valid until 181200UTC. Part 1 - WARNINGS WARNINGS IN FORCE: NIL Part 2 - Situation analysis at 171800UTC: Low L1 1001hPa near 31S 170E, slow moving. Part 3 - Forecast: Refer to latest warnings. Within 300 nautical miles of L1 in southern semicircle: Clockwise 25kt, areas of poor visibility in showers and rain. Outlook for the following 72 hours: Low near 31S 170E, slow moving. Heavy swell around low, easing by 190000UTC and clockwise 30kt to gale. South of 32S: Heavy easterly swell developing by 200000UTC.