WOAU13 AMMC 250548 IDY21020 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0548UTC 25 March 2025 GALE WARNING 3 FOR WESTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous northwesterly flow associated with cold front near 46S093E 54S100E. Forecast near 49S106E 53S108E 56S107E at 251200UTC, near 50S117E 54S118E 57S114E at 251800UTC, and near 52S121E 55S120E 57S118E at 252100UTC then cold front weakening afterwards. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 48S095E 47S099E 51S130E 55S128E 56S118E 56S111E 53S099E 48S095E. FORECAST Northwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 480nm east of front. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 4. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 1300 UTC 25 March 2025